Vaiden Businesses

(as of 1976)


From the Vaiden Heritage



Cross Lumber Company

Highway 51 North,



This thriving company was founded in 1946 by W. Berlin Cross.  It soon became one of the largest lumber firms within 100 miles radius and specialized in residence finished lumber.  Faced with advancing age, Mr. And Mrs. Cross recently disposed of their cooperative interest to the Russanne Lumber Company of Memphis, Tennessee.  Today the firm is manages by Harvey Putman, with Mrs. Josie Minchew as office manager.


In 1975, the Cross Lumber Company was the setting for the “country jamboree” scene in the movie “Ode to Billie Joe.”




Vaiden Gin Company


Though this gin was owned by various parties during the past twenty years, the present owners, M.M. (Sonny) Jones and wife, Rubye Noah Jones, have expanded the operation most successfully.  Being located on Highway 51 North, it is easily accessible to surrounding cotton farmers whose business has been invaluable to Vaiden merchants.



The Vaiden Pulpwood Company


The Vaiden Pulpwood Company has been a contributing asset to Vaiden’s economy since July, 1969.  Owning its spur track which connects with downtown Illinois Central Railroad, the company offers around-the-clock transportation of pulpwood to numerous manufacturers, but principally to U.S. Plywood Company.  A burgeoning business, owned by William G. Dismukes of Kilmichael, Mississippi, and managed by his son, Charles Wilson Dismukes.



The Vaiden Manufacturing Company

Highway 35, West


Organized in 1972, this rapidly growing manufacturing company now employs 85 workers daily, and is presently the community’s largest industry.  The firm produces three major items all of which are in national demand: namely, disposable surgical gowns, commercial table cloths and napkins, and surgical gauze pads.  Its management is conducted efficiently by F.C. Lentz, with Mrs. Cecil Welch, office manager.



Vaiden’s Businesses in 1976 (Photos)


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