


The Killing of Howard Hudson


Vaiden Woman Out On Bond After Shooting

The Conservative, December 3, 1964



A white waitress from Vaiden has been released from jail on bond following the fatal shooting of a Negro man at a café in Vaiden last Saturday night.


Carroll County deputy sheriff H.R. Michie said that Fleeta Devin [Devine] had been released on $2,000 bond to await action of the county grand jury.


She was held in the Carrollton jail over the weekend while the investigation of the shooting was being conducted.  A preliminary hearing was waived.


Deputy Michie said the woman worked in the café owned by Johnny Caffey, also white, and that she shot 28-year old Howard Hudson as he struggled with the owner following an argument.


According to the deputy, the woman told him that the Negro had Caffey pinned against the wall when she fired the shot.  The Negro was killed instantly.


The incident occurred about 5:30 Saturday afternoon.



More information will be forthcoming, if available.