


The People’s Academy

Middleton, Missi.


(Source: Southern Reporter,  Grenada, Yalobusha County. Sat., September 5, 1840, Vol. II, No. 15, p. 2).

[ed. note: Article depicts small generic sketch of an academy for illustrative purposes]


     The undersigned beg leave most respectfully to say to the public, that an Institution of Learning, with the above name, and upon an entirely new basis, will be opened in Middleton, for the reception of pupils, (Male and Female,) on Monday the 7th day of September, under the superintendance of Mr. Phinney.


     The Trustees of the People’s Academy take great pleasure in commending Mr. Phinney, the Principal, to the patronage of a liberal and enlightened community.  Mr. Phinney’s reputation as an instructor is known throughout the State.  Our testimony would not add to it.  A competent young gentleman of exceptional character is engaged as assistant.


     Mrs. Graves, late principal of one of the first Female Institutions in N.C., and her daughter, Miss Graves, will take charge of the Female Department.  Mrs. Graves takes charge with twenty years’ experience of successful teaching, and the community may be assured that nothing shall be wanting to make that department worthy of liberal patronage.  Instructions in Music, Painting, and Drawing will be given in a style not surpassed in the South.


Terms of Tuition


First Class, per session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00

Second Class, per session. . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.00

Third Class, per session. . . . . . . . . . . . .$20.00

Music, including use of the Instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . .$25.00

Painting, and Drawing, per session. . . . . . . . . . . . .$12.50

Board (including washing and lodging). . . . . . . . . . . . .from $10 to $12 per month


William H. Bell,

Joseph Park,

G.H. Hogsett,

Charles E. Estill,

John S. McLean,

Wilson Hemingway,

Abraham Geron,

Thomas G. Wilson,

A.R. Drake,

E.S. Watson,

Alex. Newton,

Walter Gould,

A.S.P. Newton,



Middleton, Sept. 5, 1840




Middleton Barbeque next Saturday


(Source: Southern Reporter,  Grenada, Yalobusha County. Sat., October 3, 1840, Vol. II, No. 19, p. 3).


The good Whigs of Carroll County design having a Barbeque at Middleton, on Saturday next, 10th instant, to which all the members of the Grenada Tippecanoe Club are invited.  We append the Committee’s Card of Invitation:


Middleton, Carroll Co., Sept. 25, ’40.

Col. N. Howard

President Grenada Tippecanoe Club:


Dear Sir: -- We, the undersigned, have been appointed a Committee by the Whigs of Carroll County, to solicit the pleasure of your presence, and, through you, that all of the members of the Grenada Tippecanoe Club, at a Whig Festival, to come off on Saturday, the 10th day of October next, at Middleton.


Most Respectfully,


John A. Binford, Reuben Gaydon, John T. Brown, Allen Gary, Wm. Y. Collins, D.M. Lipscomb, Wm. J. Brown, Committee.



The Whig Festival at Middleton, Carroll County


(Source: Southern Reporter,  Grenada, Yalobusha County. Sat., October 17, 1840, Vol. II, No. 21, p. 1).


This article contains almost three full-length columns concerning the events that transpired at the Whig Festival Barbeque,

and, is therefore too large to reproduce here.





Ladies Fair, at Middleton


(Source: Southern Reporter,  Grenada, Yalobusha County, July 6, 1839, Vol. I, No. 8, p. 2).


     The Ladies of the “Female Benevolent Association” at Middleton, will hold their Fair in the New Presbyterian Church edifice, on Monday evening, 29th instant.  A new and splendid variety of useful, ornamental and fancy articles will be offered for sale – and a supper will be furnished.


     Doors open precisely at 7 o’clock P.M.  Tickets may be had at the store of M.B. Hill & Co., John O. Young, Samuel Esbridge, and Alexander & Jenkins.


Middleton, July 6.




Middleton Cemetery


Incorporation of Irwin



Note:  Middleton and Shongalo were both incorporated on the same day: February 22, 1840.


Where was Middleton?  Map 1     Map 2     Map 3


Middleton, Mississippi is listed as having an elevation of 440 feet, and being located in Montgomery County (present day site).  However, when Middleton was first incorporated, it was located in Carroll County, until the allocation of part of Carroll County to form Montgomery County in the early 1870s.  The current location is listed as Bailey Lake, according to the U.S. Geological Service.  Middleton was located at 33 degrees 29 minutes and 10 seconds North, and 089 degrees, 45 minutes, and 03 seconds West.  Winona is listed at 33 degrees 29 minutes and 10 seconds North and 089 degrees 44 minutes and 59 seconds West.