Vaiden Annuals


Alma Mater

V.H.S., Our Alma Mater, How We All Love You

Our Loyalty Shall Never Fail You, We Will E’er Be True.

Year To Year, Thy Children Here, Shall Honor To You Bring

Hail To Thee, Our Alma Mater, We Will Ever Sing.



If you have a Vaiden Annual for any of the years before 1963 and after 1970, I would love to borrow it to scan for addition to this page.  I do not want to keep it; just to use long enough to make a scan, so that the integrity of Vaiden High School and its students is always remembered.  If you have one of these annuals, please E-MAIL ME HERE.  Also, the files below listed as COMPLETE, consist of all of the pages of that year’s Annual combined into one file at a reduced quality, but smaller file size.  The COMPLETE Annuals are suitable for viewing, but for downloading of a specific page for printing, etc., it is best to use the pictures from the separate parts.




1949 Vaiden Annual Courtesy of Helen Claire McEachern Elliott


PART 1 – Welcome & High School Faculty

PART 2 – High School

PART 3 – Jr. High & Elementary Faculty & Students

PART 4 – Organizations

PART 5 – Features

PART 6 – Athletics

PART 7 – Advertisers

1949 COMPLETE ANNUAL (Searchable)

Instructions: When the COMPLETE ANNUAL of your choice has been opened, press “CTRL” and the letter “F” at the same time.

A search bar will open. Type whatever name or word that you want to search and press ENTER.



1957 Vaiden Annual Courtesy of Carolyn Hightower McCoy


Note: Three pages in this 1957 Annual (Sophomore Class, 2nd Grade and Glee Club) had marks over students faces, making restoration virtually impossible.

These pages will be replaced in the future with unmarked versions, with apologies to the students affected.


PART 1 – Welcome & High School Faculty

PART 2 – High School

PART 3 – Jr. High & Elementary Faculty

PART 4 – Activities & Favorites

PART 5 – Athletics

PART 6 – Advertisers

1957 COMPLETE ANNUAL (Searchable)

Instructions: When the COMPLETE ANNUAL of your choice has been opened, press “CTRL” and the letter “F” at the same time.

A search bar will open. Type whatever name or word that you want to search and press ENTER.